Minimizing the Impact of the Threats that could stop
your Organization from achieving its Objectives.

Risk Management

Virtually every important business decision, initiative, program, project and action within an organization involves risk. A risk is a situation which may occur in the future and which, if it does occur, becomes or causes an issue. It could have an impact on an organization’s ability to achieve its objectives or, in a worst-case scenario could even bring an organization to ruin. However stable the Corporate DNA, however brilliant the Strategy and however encouraging the initiatives and programs to improve Organizational Agility are, one of the most critical performance drivers of an effective organization therefore is how well it masters risks. Risk Assessment is the means of choice to identify, analyse and evaluate risks, which is often used to inform important decisions. Risk Management expands the process of Risk Assessment into treatment, monitoring, control, and communication of those risks the organization decides to take. The better it is integrated in existing processes and systems of an organization, the more effective it is.

We work with our clients to effectively integrate and embed Risk Management into existing systems, planning processes and business processes and to apply it on all levels, across and throughout their organizations. We do this by providing a proven methodology, process and tools, with tailored implementation and facilitation.

The Effective High-Performance Organization =
(Corporate DNA + Strategy + Agility) x Risk Management
x People & Culture


Any Challenges?

If your response to more than 2 of the following statements is “NO”, your organization will probably face some challenges related to Risk Management:

  • Risks to the achievement of objectives are considered as part of making business decisions throughout your organisation.
  • Risk Management is a dynamic, continual process; it is not just performed when creating your organization’s annual report.
  • Risk Management is an essential management task of all business leaders in your organisation, not of just one specific department or a specific job title (Risk Manager).
  • All business leaders in your organization are clear about the distinction between a risk and an issue, known risks, predictable risks and black swan events.
  • All business leaders in your organization pay specific attention to low probability, high impact risks.
  • People involved in Risk Management in your organization intentionally decide on the response strategy for each risk identified (i.e. to avoid, reduce, transfer, or to accept it).
  • Risks are visualised in coloured two-dimensional (probability/impact) risk maps before and after mitigation to ease transparency and communication.
  • Contingency plans are in place for major risks.
  • There are owners assigned to monitor and control risks.
  • Business leaders at all levels throughout your organization are familiar with Risk Management (process, tools and methodology).

Our Approach

The DEES-Cycle

Rather than trying to deal with symptoms, we first take time to understand your challenges by discovering the underlying root causes. Next we define clear objectives and deliverables, and design a feasible, realistic roadmap to deliver sustained results.

We then help with getting all relevant individuals on board, converting ‘people concerned’ into ‘people engaged’ – crucially in an interactive approach.

To enable your organization to take full ownership of delivering the agreed objectives, we work closely with your people, from the senior leadership team to individual employees. We help build the capabilities required for sustained change; we guide, challenge, train, coach, share our experience, and transfer pragmatic, proven tools, methodologies and techniques into your organization.

Before our work ends, we evaluate the results and identify further potential for improvement. The next cycle begins – led, driven and implemented by your own organization. New ways of working and capabilitieswill have been embedded to sustain results and to continuously make a difference.

The DEES-Cycle

The DEES-Cycle

Your Benefits

Effective Risk Management is the one and only means to master your organization’s risks.

Major benefits of effectively integrating and embedding Risk Management into existing systems, planning processes and business processes and applying it on all levels throughout your organization include:

  • Better informed decision making
  • An early warning system for strategic objectives that might be on jeopardy
  • Better sense of complexity and interdependencies of risks across and throughout the organization
  • Higher sense of responsibility in taking risks on all levels
  • Better and clearer communication of risks in all directions
  • A clear sense across and throughout the organization of what will not be done under any circumstances
  • Faster and more effective responses to risks that become issues
  • Less 'fire-fighting' when things do go wrong
  • Fewer overlooked or hidden risks that could come up by surprise
  • Less unexpected demand for critical resources
  • Better preparation for responding to black swan events
  • Higher levels of understanding, teamwork, alignment and commitment on all levels in your organization
  • Significant reduction of your organization’s vulnerability against the impact of low probability, high impact events and to changes in the environment
  • Effective Risk Management both in economically bad and in economically good times.