Organizations don’t transform by themselves. People do.
– The Essence of any Effective Organization.

People & Culture

Effective Organizations are fast, focussed and reliable in executing their strategy and all their initiatives to improve Organizational Agility succeed. They continuously deliver extraordinary results at nearly every task, and even when something goes wrong, it only has a minor or temporary impact. The major aspect that sets these organizations apart from others is that they managed to create and maintain a High-Performance Culture in which everybody, the organization’s leaders and employees, continually and deliberately give their best. Their focus is balanced between performance and people, without sacrificing either. In a nutshell, a High-Performance Culture is not something that is ‘done’ to people but rather an invitation to be part of a dynamic team that continuously interacts in a constructive manner and embraces change readily.

We work with our clients to effectively build and embed a High-Performance Culture in their organization by:

  • Engaging the whole organization in a shared vision, mission and values – to provide clear direction, alignment and understanding; thereby creating unity of purpose.
  • Introducing consistent leadership practises and behaviours throughout the organization – to ensure honest and candid communication, discipline and commitment (of leaders); thereby establishing consistency and trust.
  • Fostering positive role modelling by leaders on all levels – to release enthusiasm and motivation, and achieve engagement and commitment (of employees); thereby encouraging consistent employee behaviours and ways of working.
  • Boosting fair Performance and Talent Management – to build capabilities, encourage talent, provide opportunities to develop and to consistently recognise and reward performance (of teams and individuals); thereby aligning expectations of employees and the organization.

The Effective High-Performance Organization =
(Corporate DNA + Strategy + Agility) x Risk Management
x People & Culture


Any Challenges?

If your response to more than 2 of the following statements is “NO”, your organization will probably face some challenges related to People & Culture:

  • Your organization’s values reflect what really happens in day-to-day interaction between your people, with your clients and all other stakeholders.
  • Based on demonstrated behaviour, all business leaders in your organization follow through on their commitments.
  • Good and bad performance is subject to regular, constructive, honest and candid dialogue on all levels of your organization.
  • Employee satisfaction, recruitment and retention are not an issue in your organization.
  • Employees in your organization feel successful and valued.
  • Discipline and consistency are evident in the way your business leaders behave, operate and communicate internally as well as in the outside world.
  • Continuous Improvement is part of your Corporate DNA.
  • Your organization continuously provides opportunities for employees to grow and build new skills.
  • Your workforce, not only your leadership team, receives a balanced mix of non-monetary recognition and monetary reward for good performance of teams and individuals.
  • Employees on all levels know how they contribute to achieving the organization’s objectives.

Our Approach

The DEES-Cycle

Rather than trying to deal with symptoms, we first take time to understand your challenges by discovering the underlying root causes. Next we define clear objectives and deliverables, and design a feasible, realistic roadmap to deliver sustained results.

We then help with getting all relevant individuals on board, converting ‘people concerned’ into ‘people engaged’ – crucially in an interactive approach.

To enable your organization to take full ownership of delivering the agreed objectives, we work closely with your people, from the senior leadership team to individual employees to build the capabilities required for sustained change; we guide, challenge, train, coach, share our experience, and transfer pragmatic, proven tools, methodologies and techniques into your organization.

Before our work ends, we evaluate the results and identify further potential for improvement. The next cycle begins – led, driven and implemented by your own organization. New ways of working and capabilities will have been embedded to sustain results and to continuously make a difference.

The DEES-Cycle

The DEES-Cycle

Your Benefits

A High-Performance Culture is the essence of any effective organization.

Major benefits of effectively building and sustainably embedding a High-Performance Culture in your organization include:

  • Focused execution of strategy
  • Higher quality of outputs at all levels
  • Increased productivity
  • Increased profitability
  • Increased customer satisfaction
  • Improved customer loyalty
  • Increased employee satisfaction
  • Consistent leadership and management practises
  • Increased Organizational Agility
  • Accelerated implementation of change
  • Higher levels of enthusiasm, motivation and engagement
  • More commitment and personal accountability for results on all levels in your organization.